The Joys of Summer

The British have a wonderfully romanticised view of eating outside.  The French and Italians have the picnic lifestyle off to a tee, but I am not sure we know how to go about it. When I am driving down the motorway it makes me laugh so much to see people eating jam sandwiches and drinking luke-warm tea by the roadside; how can that be fun?  What with all that traffic flying by it looks a bit silly really.
The weather is partly to blame for us British not being very good at the picnic lifestyle.  However, the weather does not need to be 80 degrees plus for us to go outside; it just needs to be dry, if it is a little chilly, put a Jumper on. When the weather is nice we tend to pack too much stuff for our picnics; you are not going away for 2 weeks with Ray Mears in the wild woods . So keep it simple please; there is no need for endlees pork pastries but saying that the Scotch egg is a great example of picnic food; totally self contained and ready to eat. Why not try some crusty bread as well hang on; the Ploughman lunch is tailor-made for picnic fare all you need is Ham , scotch egg , crusty bread, cheese, some salad. thats about it.  Sorry you do also need branston pickle, as well maybe some mustard, cold beers or wine and then you are ready to go. 
So with all this nice weather lets get outside and enjoy ourselves a little bit this summer.


Seren said...

Mmmmm, a good Scotch egg is a thing of beauty, especially if served with a dollop of salad cream!

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