The Joys of Summer

The British have a wonderfully romanticised view of eating outside.  The French and Italians have the picnic lifestyle off to a tee, but I am not sure we know how to go about it. When I am driving down the motorway it makes me laugh so much to see people eating jam sandwiches and drinking luke-warm tea by the roadside; how can that be fun?  What with all that traffic flying by it looks a bit silly really.
The weather is partly to blame for us British not being very good at the picnic lifestyle.  However, the weather does not need to be 80 degrees plus for us to go outside; it just needs to be dry, if it is a little chilly, put a Jumper on. When the weather is nice we tend to pack too much stuff for our picnics; you are not going away for 2 weeks with Ray Mears in the wild woods . So keep it simple please; there is no need for endlees pork pastries but saying that the Scotch egg is a great example of picnic food; totally self contained and ready to eat. Why not try some crusty bread as well hang on; the Ploughman lunch is tailor-made for picnic fare all you need is Ham , scotch egg , crusty bread, cheese, some salad. thats about it.  Sorry you do also need branston pickle, as well maybe some mustard, cold beers or wine and then you are ready to go. 
So with all this nice weather lets get outside and enjoy ourselves a little bit this summer.

Fish-farers breakfast vs Continental breakfast

The French eat croissants by the ton. The crescent shaped bread has been with us since the middle ages and some people say it is in worship of the moon; sounds a bit silly to me. The modern croissant dates back to 19th century Paris.

Fish-farers breakfast.

Sardines are an oily fish and therefore, a fantastic source of omega 3.  There is really no better way to start the day than this dish, it will keep you going until lunch.

 Olive oil
 Salt Pepper
 Smoked bacon

Heat a pan and add olive oil. Wait untill the pan is nice and hot before adding your fish.  Cook for 3 minutes on each side . You can cook the bacon at the same time as the fish and in the same pan. Serve with soda bread, yum.

A French Style Potato Salad.

New Potatoes
Wild Rocket
Creme Fraiche
Lemon Juice
Salt Pepper
Wholegrain Mustard
 Pork Chops
 Lemon juice
 Salt & Pepper

Pork chops these can be marinated in the morning before going to work. Place the new Potatoes in a pan of boiling water and cook for 15 min. Add cooked potatoes in to a mixing bowl with creme fraiche, lemon juice, wholegrain mustard with capers and rocket; mix together and serve.  Cook the pork chops for 3 min on eachside before serving.

Jellied Eels

When we think of Jellied Eels we think of the Eastend of London and Millwall FC . Eels and mash shops have been with used since the 18th century which was a great source of cheap fastfood for the working class of London. The eels were cut up in to small pieces and cooked in spice, water, chillies and mustard seeds. When the water has cooled down the water will set and preserve the Eel meat. Chilli vinegar, traditional vinegar and black pepper are traditionally used for seasoning. You can used balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and herbs like chervil for seasoning as well.

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